If your dog needs to burn off some extra energy, socialize, or needs some extra attention during the day, our daycare services may fit your needs. We can almost guarantee you a tired, happy dog at the end of the day!
Also affectionately referred to as Doggie Daycare or Recreation
$25 a day -1 dog
$43 a day for 2 dogs
Pre-Buy Discount Booklet for 1 dog is $210 for 10 visits.
Pre-Buy Discount Booklet for 2 dogs is $380 for 10 visits.
Play Dates include running, jumping and swimming (seasonally) in our play yards.
What is Required
For your pet’s health and safety we require proof of current vaccinations. A written copy of vaccinations at check in from your Veterinarian include Rabies, Distemper and Bordatella (kennel cough) for dogs. For cats Leukemia, Rabies and Distemper. Sorry, NO EXCEPTIONS accepted!